People often tell me they do not have time to make breakfast or “fancy” meals like me! Well I am here to tell you, I am not fancy! I like to keep meal time simple and delicious. Life has so many stressors. Why add food to that list.
I spent so many years of my life battling with food and my body. Now, I try my best to eat intuitively and listen to internal cues rather than outside influences that tell me what I should l be eating. It is a hard journey, but so worth it when you can tune into your own body and really eat what you want!
If you are working to heal your relationship with food, I think the kitchen is one of the best places to do this (if you are ready). From the prep work to the act of eating, you have the opportunity to tune into your cravings and explore with curiosity. Listening to your internal cues around food is also treating yourself with compassion. Instead of relying on external messages from diet culture telling you what to eat, you can create in the kitchen and really become curious about your wants and likes.
Self-compassion is key when you are trying to heal your relationship with food and your body. Self compassion will keep you present and help you fight against the diet culture messages that are everywhere.
One thing I love for breakfast are oats. Oats on the stove are easy to make. Overnight oats are even easier! It requires about 5 minutes before you go to bed and another 5 minutes in the morning. You would be hard pressed to convince me that you do not have 10 minutes a day to listen to your cravings, honour your health and enjoy a nourishing breakfast like this one!
Overnight oats are like a blank canvas. The world is your oyster in terms of add-ins and toppings. I will share what I added to these oats and also some other suggestions for you, so you can have a variety. As you know, I will never tell you what to eat, however I am happy to provide you with lots of yummy suggestions that will make your stomach and heart smile!
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup almond milk (or any other nut milk)
1 tbsp chia seeds
1-2 tbsp coffee flavoured yogurt (I used Siggis)
1/2 scoop collagen (I used Genuine Health - optional)
Lots of cinnamon
Add ingredients to a mason jar.
Shake and place in the fridge overnight.
Add to a bowl in the morning and top with whatever you are craving. I choose almond butter, berries, cinnamon honey, cacao nibs and coconut.
Here are some other ideas for overnight oat combinations:
Strawberry Banana - oats, nut milk. strawberries, mashed banana, chia seeds, vanilla protein powder (if you want a little extra protein), vanilla and maple syrup (if you like it sweet 😉).
Chocolate Banana - oats, nut milk, mashed banana, chocolate protein powder, cacao powder, chia/flax seeds, plain greek yogurt, maple syrup and vanilla.
Peanut Butter Banana - oats, nut milk, peanut butter, mashed banana, chia seeds.
So, the next time you are getting ready for bed and feeling anxious about what to have for breakfast the next day…..take 5 minutes and mix up a jar of overnight oats! Simple perfection!
Here’s to you on your journey to living a life free from restriction and food guilt!
Now tell me……what is your favourite combination for overnight oats?